Like its killers, Open House is an effective if predictable and slightly dull psychothriller. There's very little at play other than a pair of serial killers and that girl off've Flight of the Conchords being menaced. Being quite the fan of Flight of the Conchords, I found this quite distracting. In fact, I had to pause the movie two or three times just to go youtube the videos in which she appears. Anyway. Tricia Helfer has some sort of job which involves her leaving the house and Camp Serial Killer Man is a writer. This allows him to spend his days - his Business Time*, if you will - torturing poor Rachel Blanchard and murdering her window cleaners. Open House is the sort of movie in which a lot of innocent bystanders get murdered for no other reason than to amp up the bodycount. It's neither noticably bad nor remarkably good. The acting is fine, especially from Blanchard (the most beautiful woman in any room*) but not enough around the board to make this rise above STD dross. Although it does give me an excuse to post this, which is always nice:
* If you get that reference, you are awesome and I love you.
Thanks most kindly to Jinx at Totally Jinxed and Freddie at Full Moon Reviews for bestowing the Horror Review Hole with its third ever award. I'm touched, not the least because Jinx, Fred and their blogs really rather rock. Thanks dudes. There are rules, because nothing ever comes for free. List ten things that make you joyous, and then pass it on to ten people. This may be quite difficult. I'm not really the sort of person that gets 'joyous' about things, but we'll give it a go.
2. Writing
3. My family & friends
4. William Shakespeare
5. Queen. See also Cash, Bowie, Meatloaf and ELO
6. Booze, Haribos and fried eggs.
7. Nicolas Cage in The Wicker Man
8. That episode of Futurama when Fry gets infested with parasites. *sobs*
9. Slaughtering & peeling your horse in Red Dead Redemption
10. Zooey Deschanel
It was actually a toss-up (don't be so filthy. Not that kind of toss-up) between her and Timothy Olyphant. But I'll take any excuse I can get to post pictures of Zooey Deschanel. A true admission: I'm incapable of watching Zooey's movies (Elf, for example) without getting all angry and wanting to punch Will Ferrell in the face. Not because I dislike Ferrell, but rather I can't stand seeing my Zooey with another man. *double sobs*
And now for the blogs. Or rather, now for laziness. If you can find yourself on our links page, then the award's yours. I know, it's a half arsed job. But I'm a half arsed kinda person.