A paranormal expert (Ward) discovers a house that is supposedly at an intersection of "highways" transporting spirits into the afterlife. Instead of calling Derek Acorah like any sane person would, she instead enlists the help out of a slightly psychic student lad (Armstrong) and a sleazy sceptic cameraman. Despite feeling like a Paranormal Activity spinoff, Book Of Blood has enough going on to disguise its occasional faults.
Jonas had been taking fashion advice from Jim Carrey again
Because alas, like most short stories converted to feature length, it feels less like a movie than a prequel to something more important. Maybe if one was to follow this with a viewing of Dread and Midnight Meat Train it might be a little more effective. And alas, I'm too familiar with Jonas Armstrong from off'a British TV to be convinced by his performance.
Clive Barker's influence is the movie's saving grace, transforming a lesser piece into something marginally creepier than it should have been. The concept itself is a great one - infused with bits of everything that makes Barker so readable - and there are a few moments that send genuine chills down the spine, but Book Of Blood ultimately feels like a billion other STD haunted house stories. It should have been shorter and sleazier and had a little more Bark (ho ho ho), although when taken on its own terms, this is a perfectly serviceable bit of spook horror.
Melissa George: good even in Home & Away (probably) and that John Milton adaptation
You're supposed to be asking questions about paradoxes and making with your best WTF face, but I was more distracted by Melissa George and her silly shoes. She runs around the boat as if she's just drunk a whole crate of Red Bull. Her hyperactive performance here puts the 'thrill' in thriller, and yet she does so whilst wearing an implausibly high pair of wedges. Her stupid shoes are even made a plot point later in the film.
But enough about Melissa George and her daft shoes. There are other people and footwear in this film. Everyone puts on a fine show, and Smith's direction is incredibly slick. It's no gorefest, but there are some good kill sequences and very inventive nightmarish style imagery at work. One particular scene - in which a dying character crawls onto a deck filled with dead copies of herself - is guaranteed to give you chills every time. There are plot holes and bits that don't make sense, and Melissa George learns how to use a gun far too fast, but Triangle is a snappy, effective little mindbender.
It's best described as like series 5 of LOST, only set on a boat. Sorry, that was fucking terrible. And will probably only ever make sense to those who have actually seen the movie already.